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My journey has been an experience that I cannot and will not ever forget.


I have had extroadinary moments and mesmerizing experiences that has opened my knowledge to a whole new level of the Creative Media Industry.


I hope I can inspire someone to continue doing what they want to do in life if you’re ambitious, determined and passionate about what you love doing, even when you lose confidence for personal reasons or others putting you down.


With my fields of interest and capabilities, I am an individual who will help create, generate and enhance a project.


I don't create my own visual ideas,

I create and enhance others visual ideas.

Hi there, Welcome to my website. 


Thank you for checking it out. If you're wanting to know more about my media experience and how I've got to where I am today, my story is as follows.


My life within media education has been an adventurous journey but I hope to potentially inspire those that may doubt themselves in their ability to do what they are passionate about. Within my journey I’m extremely grateful to those’s that have kept me motivated, focused and surpported me from day one, from conquerring my fears and growing in confidence.


In 2013, after completing my GCSE's Media Studies, I attended an open day and was later offered a place at City of Bristol College Green to complete a two year BTEC course in Creative Media Productions TV and Film. As a result of my grades, I processed straight to the top study level (Level 3) and gained a ‘Triple Merit’.


Once I had finished that course, I was going to progress onto the Foundation Degree at the same college. Unfortunately, they had to cancel the course one week beforehand due to the lack of students doing the course. However, the tutor that advertised the course was leaving at the same time as the final year ending. However, she was going to started teaching the same subject and level at a different college. Once she had relocated and acknowledged my circumstances, she then informed me of a level 4 equivalent course that was still open for students to join.


This was when I did a High National Diploma at New College, in Swindon (UK) from 2015 to 2017. A very difficult two years being the outsider of a small group of other students but overall, I pulled through and gained a HND qualification with a 'Double Merit'. Unfortunately, as it was only a two year course, it wasn't a full degree completed, only a qualification. So for me to gain a degree, I had to find and apply for a course equivalent to a third-year associated with TV and Film. 


One year later, after choosing to take a year out of education, I applied for a third-year entry course equivalent to what I needed to complete my degree which was a BA Honours Degree studying Filmmaking at UWE City Campus (University of the West of England). This course allowed me to experience some extraordinary things and completely changed my opinion, judgement and understanding about everything within the TV and Film world. I had the opportunity to use some surreal equipment, meet amazing new people with supportive tutors, but most of all, being able to study on one of the best course’s in the whole of the UK with some of the most talented individuals I have ever met.


Here I am today. Confident, ambitious and more passionate about everything to do with TV and Film than ever before. I hope this will inspire someone, like me, to pursue their passion regardless of their inexperience and potentially make a difference in someone's state of mind with accomplishing and earning their dream job.

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